Exploring the Enigmatic World of Blue-Ringed Octopuses. Recently a local resident came across a Blue-ringed octopus on the edge of Murchison River foreshore. Known as the only octopus that's poisonous to...
Raina Robinson
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SES In Action
You may have wondered where we have been in the past few months with our contribution to the monthly newsletter? I sometimes wonder myself how the hell we achieve our goals, there is always so much happening...
The Plastic Collective
The Plastic Collective is a social enterprise to educate and equip remote communities with facilities to turn plastic waste into a resource. Founder Louise Hardman has seen the impact of plastic firsthand....
Sound Healing
A group of like minded locals came together just on sunset at the edge of the Murchison River for a Sonic vibration and Reiki experience. Beforehand every individual had to be Smudged with smoke from burning...
Plastic Ban
The Stage 1 regulations came into effect on 1 January 2022, phasing out disposable unlidded bowls and takeaway food containers, cups, plates, cutlery, stirrers, straws, expanded polystyrene food containers,...
Beach Wheelchair
We need Beach access for everyone and that includes people with a disability. Going to the beach is part of Australia's culture but for many it can be a limited experience. The town attracts 200,000 tourists...