Month: October 2022

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Are Skate-Mums the new Dance-Mums?

Are Skate-Mums the new Dance-Mums?

Photo credit: CONVIC - Jurien Bay Skatepark After spending what seems like more than half of my Mum-Life at the skatepark, I have come to the reluctant conclusion I must be a Skate-Mum. On behalf of the...

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Welcome back to SES Land

Welcome back to SES Land

We have been extremely busy and unfortunately our news letter went AWOL so here on in we should be up to date and on time. So what has been happening? Call outs Search at Leeming for a lost 43 year old...

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Containers for Change

Containers for Change

Help us so we can help you! The Kalbarri AOOB’s collect cans/bottles and use the funds generated to assist residents and worthwhile local projects and Charities. Last Year we donated $33,900. We need help to...

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing

You Can’t Have One Without the Other Google the word mental health and you’ll find numerous organisations and groups promoting the importance of mental health, but how it is described and the context in which...

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Kalbarri Seniors

Kalbarri Seniors

Another month of enjoyable Thursday morning get-togethers, and looking forward to our end of month BBQ lunch. New members and visiting Seniors would be very much welcomed! Birthday Celebrated: Wayne Gerard We...

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Small Business Matters

Small Business Matters

By far the vast majority of visitors to Kalbarri these school holidays are here to enjoy their time in our beautiful town and support small businesses. But there is always “that” customer who thinks they’re...

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