KDA is continuing to work on the shopping precinct project and hopefully within the next few weeks you should see some furniture in the lawn area and a couple of new trees. This project is ongoing, but more funding needs to be found before we take it any further. We hope that we will be able to present the concept plan in the next Town Talk, or before if available, watch the Facebook pages for further information.
Another project we are looking at is to providing shade over the playground near the Marina. Currently we have quotes for Shade Sails but are looking to something that may be a little less likely to be “blown away” by our summer winds and that we would not have to remove all the time. This is another project that will require funding so it won’t happen this year but hopefully it will be not too far in the future as we believe it to be very important.
The Foreshore plans are available on the Shire website but unfortunately at this present time it appears that funding is being difficult to find. KDA will be following this up with Nicole Nelson, the project officer, and the Shire to see if what we can do to at least get some shade shelters back onto the river beach area.
We have been advised that Shire representatives have been pursuing the matter of the whole project from Jakes to Blue Holes and Chinamans, with various government ministers and departments and that they will continue to follow this up. We will keep you updated as we hear more about this. Kalbarri’s needs have not been forgotten even tho it may look like nothing is happening.
Recently funding from the Josh Kennedy Foundation was gained by the Shire to provide some leadership training to our school students which I believe was very well received. This program is being planned to be delivered to other members of our community if further funding can be obtained from this source. A story about this project can be found elsewhere in the paper.
Like all volunteer groups within the community, we are looking for new members and people to hold positions. If you have a few hours each month and believe you have the skills and enthusiasm to be a member of our community volunteers, we would love to hear from you. Come along and join us at our monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of each month at the Allen Centre, be a part of discussing, planning, and supporting the future development of Kalbarri. If you are a group, join us so we can support you in your activities and progress. Our aim is to support ALL the Kalbarri community in whatever way is possible.