Kalbarri Sea Search and Rescue

Dec 2022Locals, Stories

We haven’t done a Bulletin for some time, but there basically has been nothing much to report. However the refurbishment of the building is edging closer, and by the time this goes to print handover should have occurred.

The building will be officially opened in January, incorporating an Open Day for the public at that time. So please look out for the information and come along – you may even wish to sign on, as a rescue crew member or a radio operator. It is very rewarding.

Training is underway for the new (state-wide) RoIP radio system. This system will enable more people to log-on in a variety of ways, and as boaties realise, it is much easier to assist when in trouble if they have logged on in the first place!

Team members Barry Porter, Tracy Grosvenor and Grant Ward were commended for the rescue of the yachtie whose vessel was grounded on Oyster Reef in September. In trying conditions (wind, rain and darkness) they managed to bring the skipper and his dog to safety.

All the emergency services are joining together for a Christmas get-together this year and the FESA building in Porter Street on December 17th, so no call-outs that evening please!

Marine Rescue Kalbarri take this opportunity to all Kalbarri people (and visitors) a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year.

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